Northern Prawn - Pandalus montagui
Semi-transparent with thin red lines on the back, the Northern Prawn, Pandalus montagui is found all around the UK but is more common in the north. It is also sometimes called the Pink Shrimp. It inhabits gravel, sand and rocky areas where it can be seen in great numbers moving amongst encrusting invertebrate life searching for food. It appears to feed on anything it can tackle from tiny worms and hydroids to dead matter. In this picture the prawn is on a Dead Man's Finger holding a worm it is about to eat. See next picture for scavenging behaviour.
Bass Rock, E.Scotland

Northern Prawn - Pandalus montagui
Semi-transparent with thin red lines on the back, the Northern Prawn, Pandalus montagui is found all around the UK but is more common in the north. It is also sometimes called the Pink Shrimp. It inhabits gravel, sand and rocky areas where it can be seen in great numbers moving amongst encrusting invertebrate life searching for food. It appears to feed on anything it can tackle from tiny worms and hydroids to dead matter. In this picture the prawn is on a Dead Man's Finger holding a worm it is about to eat. See next picture for scavenging behaviour.
Bass Rock, E.Scotland

Northern Prawn - Pandalus montagui
Semi-transparent with thin red lines on the back, the Northern Prawn, Pandalus montagui is found all around the UK but is more common in the north. It is also sometimes called the Pink Shrimp. It inhabits gravel, sand and rocky areas where it can be seen in great numbers moving amongst encrusting invertebrate life searching for food. It appears to feed on anything it can tackle from tiny worms and hydroids to dead matter. In this picture the prawn is on a Dead Man's Finger holding a worm it is about to eat. See next picture for scavenging behaviour.
Bass Rock, E.Scotland